Western Montana Genealogical Society
About WMGS
The Western Montana Genealogical Society was incorporated as a non-profit, educational organization on April 29, 1980 with an original membership of forty-eight charter members. Its purpose is to promote and encourage active interest in genealogy; to compile accurate and complete genealogies; to collect and preserve genealogical records, to foster education and training in genealogy through courses and instruction in genealogy, lectures, forums, seminars, special workshops, and publications; to locate genealogical records and make them available to the public through cooperation with records repositories and other means; to collect, preserve and disseminate knowledge and information with reference to genealogical and related historical, biographical, and heraldic data.
Our Collections
To further the goals of the society, its book collection was placed in the non-circulating Genealogical Collection at the Missoula Public Library and is added to regularly. The Missoula Public Library also has the extensive 'bio-sheet' collection of persons who are buried in Western Montana, as well as the Vital Records that have been extracted from the Missoulian (to 1937) by society and library volunteers. The latter have also been made available for purchase in bound volumes.
Our Officers
President - Jennifer Keith
Vice-President - Sally Ann Peryam
Treasurer - Connie Kulbeck
Secretary - Karen McCullough
Society Librarian - Paulette Parpart